Talking To The Dead
The practice of channeling, or the concept of communicating with non-physical entities or energies, is not specific to a single time or culture but has roots in various ancient and indigenous traditions. Throughout history, different societies have engaged in forms of spirit communication or mediumship. Some historical examples of channeling-like practices include but are not limited to:
Ancient Greece and Rome: In these civilizations, oracles played a significant role in religious and political life. Oracles, often priestesses or individuals in altered states of consciousness, were believed to communicate with deities or spirits and provide guidance or prophecies.
Shamanic Traditions: Shamanic practices in indigenous cultures around the world involve shamans or medicine people communicating with spirits or ancestors for healing, guidance, and divination. These practices have ancient origins and are still carried out in some indigenous communities today.
Spiritualism in the 19th Century: The 19th century saw the rise of the Spiritualist movement, which gained popularity in Europe and the United States. Spiritualists believed in the ability to communicate with the spirits of the deceased through mediums, seances, and other practices. This movement was characterized by a resurgence of interest in mediumship.
New Age Movement: The 20th century witnessed a resurgence of interest in channeling within the context of the New Age movement. Channelers claimed to connect with beings from other dimensions or higher planes of existence.
Contemporary Practices: Channeling practices continue to evolve, and various individuals and groups claim to channel spiritual entities or receive messages from higher sources. These practices often blend elements of spirituality, metaphysics, and self-help.
While channeling-like practices have been present throughout history, the specific terminology and beliefs surrounding channeling have evolved over time. The contemporary concept of channeling as we understand it today, involving communication with specific entities or higher intelligences, emerged more prominently in the 20th century with the advent of the New Age movement. It's essential to recognize that different cultures and belief systems have their own unique traditions related to spirit communication, so the concept of channeling can take on different forms and names in various cultural contexts.
For me, channeling is something that I am still figuring out (that’s probably why I am creating this blog post!).
In the most simple form, channeling is when you connect to energy; whether it be living, dead, an object, a feeling, a time, etc). For example, before I meet with a client either on Zoom or in person I call in the energy and Spirit Team before they even walk through the door or I hit “start meeting”. I use a specific mantra that I created to call in the person and any spirits, guides, or loved ones that can offer messages of healing that they need to hear at that specific time. This is always very specific to each person or group of people that I am working with and I can feel the difference when I am 1:1 with a client vs in a group setting.
As I am working with the client, words, visions, tastes and smells will come to my senses. Sometimes I can actually smell them where other times its in thought form. OrI can actually hear a name being said, or again it comes to me in thought form. I take these as either coming from my intuition or some thing outside of me.
During a session I can “see” people, places and pets in my minds eye. I can even get a sense for things in my body on how a person passed or how my client may be feeling. For example, if I am connecting with a passed loved one and sense a pressure or sensation in my abdomen, I will ask if the person passed from something in the abdomen area. Other times I will get really stiff in one shoulder and ask the client if they are experiencing shoulder pain. As soon as the client or Spirit is claimed, the sensation goes away and I move on with the session. Other times the sensation or vision will continue to present itself until it gets “louder” until the message has been effectively delivered and receieved.
Messages vary from letting the person know they need an oil change to more emotionally charged messages of forgiveness, peace and specific memories. I believe that our loved ones, guides, and spirit team, are always trying to communicate with us we may just not be present enough to receive the message. You don’t need anyone to channel, you are fully capable of doing it on your own.
One issue with channeling is that research is rarely funded or supported by mainstream scientific or academic institutions, as it falls outside the scope of conventional scientific inquiry. Channeling is often considered a metaphysical or spiritual practice, and its claims are subjective and difficult to measure using the empirical methods of traditional scientific research.
Most scientific research is focused on topics that can be tested, observed, and replicated under controlled conditions. Claims related to channeling, which often involve communication with non-physical entities or energies, are challenging to subject to the rigorous standards of scientific investigation because they are often based on personal experiences, beliefs, and subjective interpretations.
However, some individuals and organizations within the fields of parapsychology or consciousness studies may conduct limited research into related phenomena, such as mediumship or altered states of consciousness. These investigations typically operate on the fringes of mainstream science and often struggle to secure significant funding or recognition.
I highly recommend “The Science of Channeling” by Helane Wahbeh. This is a book on a fascinating five year research study! I would love to see more financial support in the area of channeling.
This month I will be running workshops on Channeling Spirits where we will gather in person or online to practice channeling. If this speaks to you, I invite you to join us or if you would like to work privately together on this journey you can message me directly.