Creating an intentional summer

Happy June!

I always love the buzzing energy of late spring and early summer. For me it's all about the end of year school activities and festivities, sports tournaments, and of course working hard in my garden!

This time of year always has me in a deeper spiritual state than other seasons.

Maybe it's because I am more connected to the present moment through getting my hands dirty while gardening, or maybe it has something to do with where Gemini lands in my birth chart. Either way, going from the slower, more grounded energy of Taurus season to the buzzing energy of Gemini is always a fun transition that leaves me feeling excited, anxious, and nervous! My oldest and I have labeled this feeling as "nervited".  

I am feeling "nervited" because I have once again decided to take the summer off to be with my kids. I did this last summer and though it was challenging at times, I did not regret it for one second and HAD to do it again this year! I only have so many summers with my kids being little and it's important for me to create these moments together.

To prepare, I purposely filled my schedule for the past 6 months so that I could coast through summer being present with my kids and set the intention for a mindful summer. So naturally I am feeling burnt out and a bit exhausted (excited for rest!) and also nervous because there are some big changes brewing up (more to come on that later!).

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love what I do and so taking the full summer off would not be balanced for me. In fact, taking time off is where the anxiety part creeps in because I so love my work.

Because of this need to maintain balance, I do have several healing workshops and pop up goat yoga classes I will be teaching throughout the summer, so I will still be around! You can find them all here! And follow my socials (though I won't be on them frequently) 

Balance is individualistic, meaning that it is based on the individual.   What  a "balanced" summer for me could resonate as a chaotic summer for you, and that's OK! There is no right or wrong way to be. I invite you to explore when you are feeling balanced, and/or what does balance mean to you. 

In order to create balance, we must first become aware of the energy/feelings/emotions that we are experiencing. 

Often when we feel too much of anything we try to channel or "relieve" it without ever even labeling or witnessing it. If we can just sit with whatever it is that we are experiencing (nervous, excited, anxious)  and accept it for what it is, we may just feel it transmute into something different, or reveal something to us that has been hidden. In other words, if we can be present with whatever it is that we are experiencing, we may just find peace through the joy of existing. 

 I invite you to set an intention this summer that will help to keep you present and in the moment. It can be a simple mantra that you find yourself repeating silently throughout the day or meditating on during your daily meditation practice. Some suggestions: 

"I am mindful this summer" or "Self-Care Summer" or "I am present"

A few ways to stay mindful this summer:

1. Unplug from technology! Take social media off your phone for a few days, I swear it will make you feel like a better human.

2. Be present. Be in the moment, whatever the moment is and experience the emotions and feelings and perhaps label them, (even if it's a made up word!).

3. Get in nature! Get outside as much as possible and notice the beauty in nature around you. Allow yourself to get lost in the pattern on a leaf or flower. Observe how insects around you are scurrying around or watch your dog soak up the sun.

4. Ditch the plan. I love having a plan for summer but over the years and 3 kids later, I have softened the plan to be more of an outline. Channel the water element this summer and be fluid! Take it day by day. If you or your kids are bored, good! Explore what boredom means. Feel it in your body, what can you create from this space? Perhaps you find that instead you soften into boredom and allow yourself to truly relax and become present to all that is around you.

5. Drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body!

6. Heal with me! I would love to see you this summer and heal with you! 

Lastly, I will be taking 1:1 clients and booking private parties in the fall. If you would like to be added to my contact list, I will contact you directly to schedule your treatment or session! Just reply to this email with "add me" and your phone number. 

Otherwise, be on the lookout for openings later this year! 

As always, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this journey with you!



Summer Healings + Workshops


We Are Co-Creators: How an injury reminded me to work with the energy of the Universe


When Help Hurts